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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 25, Issue 1, pp. 1-300

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Structured Perturbations Part I: Normwise Distances

Siegfried M. Rump

pp. 1-30

Structured Perturbations Part II: Componentwise Distances

Siegfried M. Rump

pp. 31-56

Optimization Problems over Positive Pseudopolynomial Matrices

Y. Genin, Y. Hachez, Yu. Nesterov, and P. Van Dooren

pp. 57-79

Optimization and Pseudospectra, with Applications to Robust Stability

J. V. Burke, A. S. Lewis., and M. L. Overton

pp. 80-104

Convergence Rates of Spectral Distributions of Large Sample Covariance Matrices

Z. D. Bai, Baiqi Miao, and Jian-feng Yao

pp. 105-127

A Matrix Analysis Approach to Higher-Order Approximations for Divergence and Gradients Satisfying a Global Conservation Law

J. E. Castillo and R. D. Grone

pp. 128-142

A Note on the Column Elimination Tree

John R. Gilbert and Laura Grigori

pp. 143-151

Superlinear Preconditioners for Finite Differences Linear Systems

Stefano Serra Capizzano and Cristina Tablino Possio

pp. 152-164

Structure Preserving Dimension Reduction for Clustered Text Data Based on the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

Peg Howland, Moongu Jeon, and Haesun Park

pp. 165-179

A Note on the Symmetric Recursive Inverse Eigenvalue Problem

Raphael Loewy and Volker Mehrmann

pp. 180-187

A Projection Method for Least Squares Problems with a Quadratic Equality Constraint

Zhenyue Zhang and Yushan Huang

pp. 188-212

Some Results on Vandermonde Matrices with an Application to Time Series Analysis

André Klein and Peter Spreij

pp. 213-223

Some Observations on Generalized Saddle-Point Problems

P. Ciarlet, Jr., Jianguo Huang, and Jun Zou

pp. 224-236

Solvability of Systems of Linear Interval Equations

Jiri Rohn

pp. 237-245

An Implicitly Restarted Refined Bidiagonalization Lanczos Method for Computing a Partial Singular Value Decomposition

Zhongxiao Jia and Datian Niu

pp. 246-265

The Quadratic Numerical Range and the Location of Zeros of Polynomials

Hansjörg Linden

pp. 266-284

Matrix Classes That Generate All Matrices with Positive Determinant

C. R. Johnson, D. D. Olesky, and P. van den Driessche

pp. 285-294

On the Digraph of a Unitary Matrix

Simone Severini

pp. 295-300